Colour Theory offers a way
to enhance nearly every aspect of our lives - improving our moods and stimulating our minds, increasing
our effectiveness at work and in society and creating better
physical and mental health.
Colours affect various
domains of our life - world, food, clothing, the living place,
transportation, education and recreation. Wise arrangement
of colour will help to increase their happiness, enhance their
wealth, and faster their marital harmony.
Colour inspires emotion. Colour structures our behavior.
Pink and
Green conveys vitality,
Red symbolizes justice, WHITE represents pureness and Black
denotes a sense of awe, grandeur and depth. No colour is universally
is useful in all cultures for the maintenance of internal
harmony within individuals and external harmony between them
and nature.
All permutations, from
cosmic to atomic, resound in us and the force that links us
with colour is energy or cosmic breath. Energy
is the non-biological self , i.e., our spirit, our psyche,
our essence. Without energy, we are nearly flesh
and bones; Energy is the breath essential to maintaining physical,
environmental, and emotional balance. In
a sense, it is destiny, blue print of our personality, talent
and life course.
Colour also can harmonize
and balance our energy and thus improve our life and destiny.
For any form known to exist, it must possess colour and we
know that out of the void of the Universe come all things.
Harmony and balance are desirable in our physical and emotional
makeup and in our environment. Out of the balance and harmonizing
of positive and negative forces arises energy - the most essential
feature of life and life and human energy is greatly affected
by colour.
Colour also indicates cardinal directions,
seasons, the cyclical passage of time, and the internal organs
of the human body. Colour is regarded as a manifestation
of cosmic energy - vitality that can also shape an individuals
personal energy and therefore, their destiny. Adding a new colour to an environment can stimulate
a positive or negative response.
Colours describe emotional properties.
We feel blue or green with any, red with shyness, describes
someone as "a yellow-coward". The properties of colour are
both emotional and physical. The direct impact of colour on
our existence is easy to understand. Some colours make us
happy, other colours make us sink into gloom, and some other
relax, distract or energize us. Colour is a manifestation
of light and energy, a good colour
can depend on your mood of the day. If
you select a colour that harmonizes with your energy then you will
flourish. If the colour clashes with your mood, that colour
will irritate you . Whatever we look upon and see
through our eyes will, through our optic nerve, send sensory
signals to our body, to react to what our eyes see. So
the colours of everything our eyes come in contact will influence
our temperament, physical movements, language and thoughts
- in short, our lives".
Five elements of nature, i.e., Air, Fire, Earth, Water and
Space are responsible for generating positive and negative
energies. These five elements are not physical substances
but powers or essences describing all matter and all attributes.
These elements are also associated with colors, seasons, directions
and organs. For example, the elements
is associated with red, summer, the south, the heart.
'Earth' positioned at the center, stands for yellow,
oranges, or brown, mid-autumn, etc. and the liver.
'Air' is blue autumn, north and the lungs and gall
bladder it gets), winter, the west, and the kidneys.
Space is shapeless, colourless and has North-East direction
effects mind and cells.
A rainbow sighted in the east indicates fine weather, while
to the west it means rain. A red sky in the morning will foretell
an afternoon shower, while a red sky at night will mean a
clear sky. A halo around the moon indicates wind.
These can be employed in
all areas of our lives - the colours of homes, offices, clothes,
food, even our cars as well as in adjusting our personalities
and vitality. Its role is both determining
good and bad, improving the luck of a site and residence in
which we live. Following colours are, therefore,
proposed for improving 'Vastu' of a building.
1) Purple
- Purple, deep red, or plum is an equally Auspicious colour. It
is said to inspire respect.
2) Yellow-Yellow or gold stands for Power.
Yellow gives a sense of tolerance, patience, and wisdom gained
from past experience.
3) Green
Green represents Tranquility, Hope, and Freshness. In plants
and vegetation, green indicates good and healthy earth energies.
4) Blue
- Blue or indigo symbolizes
Spring, New Growth, and Hope. However, blue is also a cold,
secondary and mourning colour.
5) Blue
- Green - Blue - green mint, or aqua are more
Auspicious than indigo as they are more closely aligned with
the colours of nature and spring. In general, vitality represents
verdant youth.
Black - On the positive side, black - or
any dark colour - gives a feeling of depth, both in mood and
perspective. Yet black indicates a Lack of Hope, and it may
make us feel "Dark" low and Depressed.
Gray - Gray is an ambiguous - or
gray area. To some, gray, like a dismal cloudy day, keynotes
Frustration and Hopelessness .To other, it is positive and
signifies Balance and the Resolution.
Brown - Brown gives us a heavy feeling,
the colour can be used to create a stable, established impression
and a sense of the passage of time. It symbolizes the Depth
and Elegancy..................
Tan - Tan or caf represents
a new, successful beginning. Out of seeming Hopelessness,
a new possibility arises.
10) Orange
- Orange, as a mixture of red and yellow and yellow,
is Auspicious and is imbued with the characteristics of Happiness
and Power.
11) Pink
- Pink represents Love
and Pure Feelings, Joy, Happiness, and Romance.
12) Peach
- It is the colour representing
Attraction and Love.
The colours of a house and the face
it presents, should be uplifting. The effect of
such colours on us is immediate and intuitive. The colour
and condition of a house exterior can also affect its inhabitants.
<The proposed colour scheme is given in table-I enclosed.
It should start from bottom of the building to the roof.>
Exterior colour schemes need not be limited to outside walls
and windows. The colour of window boxes is another element
of a buildings faade. The best window
box colour is one that has a creative relationship with casement
colour. The colour of the box should always be
different from that of the window casement.
A general idea of appropriate colours have been given
here to help enhance the specific room's atmosphere and use.
BEDROOM - Pink is best for the master bedroom. Pink is
also an auspicious colour. Light green and light blue are
also fine for bedrooms, as they are colour of hope and cultivation.
Plain white sheets or white sheets with flowers or colorful
designs are fine. Pink or red sheets and blankets are used
by those who want to get married as well as by newlyweds desirous
of ensuring marital bliss. Yellow is fine for the elderly.
For young children, education is important and therefore, green
colour. Black is fine for furniture to encourage deep thoughts.
LIVING ROOM- The living room
should be full of May colours, shades, and patterns. As the
place to entertain guests, the living room should be full
of pleasant visual stimuli to keep the atmosphere and conversations
lively and diverse. The best co ours are yellow, beige or
tan, or green or blue.
MEDITATION ROOM - If there is a meditation
room, an austere setting is best : solid, calm, subdued colours,
with no patterns. Subtle and deep shades of blue, green, yellow,
or red will encourage deep concentration and thoughts.
LIBRARY - The best colour,
however, depends on the type of books that the residents like
to read. If they prefer serious books, brown is an appropriate
shade. For less serious readers, pale blue, light green or
pink are good.
rooms, where the family eats and entertains, should be appetizingly
colourful . Pinks, greens, and blues are best. Avoid black
or white or a mixture of black and white. These colours are
less conducive to enjoying eating.
KITCHEN - In a kitchen, white is
the best colour, it show off the colours of food, as if it
were a blank canvas upon which the cook creates a meal of
red tomatoes, green peppers, yellow squash. Besides it is
also the colour of purity and cleanliness.
BATH ROOM - It can
be white or a mix of black and white or gray. Pink and other
pastel colours are also good.
The colours of public places - parks,
mountains, parkways, rest areas and gardens should be both
lively and vibrant and arranged in ways we do not see normally.
This enlivens our energy and increases our happiness and pleasure.
In general, the best colour choices for a large
building such as skyscraper are white or coffee, gold or yellow,
or earth coloured . The lower levels and base can be of white
while the top floors can be green with red accents, suggesting
the upper reaches of a tree laden with fruit, its good luck
and prosperity.
Roads and roadside colours are also important. Highways should
ideally have <shoulders> and dividers with abundant
greenery and flowers to keep the drivers mind stimulated and
awake and generally to inspire.
Colours, full of life force - green, blue, bluish - purple,
reddish - purple - stimulate the brain, providing access to
energy. Such colours help them to work hard and concentrate.
From ancient times to the present, the
colour of nature have provided a calming and invigorating
stimulus to our bodies and minds, enhancing our emotions,
speech, and nervous system, the reds, blues, greens, yellows
and whites of trees, flowers, and earth help to inspire and
regenerate our energy.
All colours of nature are highly evocative. Today, life is
complicated and confusing, and our minds can become unsettled
and weighed down by work, daily activities, and struggles.
So we take vacations each year to rest and travel, to go to
the mountains or seashore to regenerate ourselves. We need
to see colours we do not normally see often, to bring balance
to our minds and bodies and to stimulate our energy. This
colourful change is, in a sense, enjoyment. |